San Jose Best Chiropractor

Chiropractic is a non-invasive hands-on field of alternative medicine that focuses on the joints, muscles, spine and the nervous system. It is a nonsurgical, medicine-free and evidence-based healthcare service for pain relief, improving mobility and functions of various parts of the body, and enhancing the quality of life. A host of therapies, including spinal manipulation and massage, along with postural exercises and lifestyle changes comprise of chiropractic care. It is necessary to seek chiropractic treatment from trained and licensed chiropractors only.

Chiro Care is the San Jose Best Chiropractor for a number of conditions, including neck pain, back pain, sciatica, headaches and migraines, arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders and injuries involving knee/shoulder/ankle/feet/wrist. The clinic utilizes a host of chiropractic therapies to provide pain relief and improve functions. Nutritional counseling is also available for the patients.


Neck Pain Care

Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal problem. Chronic neck pain, characterized by debilitating pain and accompanied with arm pain and tingling and numbness, is a cause for concern. There are multiple causes of neck pain, including cervical disc herniation or degeneration, spinal stenosis, whiplash injuries, poor sleeping posture, muscle stiffness and spasm, and chronic postural stress.

Chiro Care offers effective chiropractic management for neck pain. Neck adjustment or cervical manipulation is most commonly used to treat neck pain. This method involves the use of hands or an instrument to apply low pressure on the cervical spinal joints to improve alignment and range of movements. Moreover, inflammation of the affected joints and the associated nerves is also reduced, thereby achieving pain relief.

Neck pain management can involve more than one type of treatment. Depending upon the patient’s needs, the treatment plan can also include joint mobilization, massage therapy and rehabilitative exercises.

Arthritis Care

Arthritis is a chronic condition, characterized painful and stiff joints that severely curtail movements. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by degeneration of the cartilages cushioning the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is caused due to inflammation of the tissues around the joints as a result of autoimmune disorder.

Chiro Care is the most suitable option for patients seeking the San Jose Best Chiropractor for arthritis management. The clinic offers effective chiropractic care to relieve pain and inflammation, and improve the movements of the affected joints. Spinal adjustments are carried out in conjunction with other methods, such as massage, hot and cold therapy, electronic muscle stimulation and physical rehabilitation to alleviate the symptoms.

Headache Care

Chiro Care provides effective chiropractic treatment for multiple kinds of headaches, such as cervicogenic headache, tension headache and migraines. Depending upon the specific needs of the patients, appropriate therapies are used for treatment. The techniques include spinal manipulation, neuromuscular massage, joint mobilization and deep neck flexion exercises.



Chiro Care adopts a holistic approach towards treatment that focuses not only on alleviating the symptoms but also improving the overall health of the patient. The clinic can be contacted on 408-676-7276.

Common conditions we treat:

Headaches & Migraines

Neck Pain, Mid back pain,Low back pain & Sciatica

Musculoskeletal Conditions related to Shoulder, Wrist, Knee, Ankles & Feet.

Conditions related to degeneration, arthritis, & other musculoskeletal injuries


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Chiro Care Clinic

2242 Camden Avenue, Ste 203, San Jose, California 95124, United States



Mondays/ Wednesdays : 5:30 – 7 pm
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 10 am – 7 pm
Saturdays: 9 am – 2 pm